Child Care At Megadent
What is the right time to take the child to a pediatric dentist?
There is no age certainty to take your kid to a kid’s / pediatric dentist. Book an appointment with your MEGADENT as soon as your child develops his/ her first tooth.
What happens if a child is not taken to a pediatric dentist?
When children don’t see a dentist, they also don’t develop good oral habits and don’t know the importance of oral hygiene even though they are taught at home. Taking kids to a pediatric dentist is necessary as the dentist affects their behaviour towards developing oral care and dental hygiene at a very young age through counselling.
Till what age does a child need a pediatric dentist's monitoring?
Till the child gets their permanent teeth fully o they turn 15 or 16. During this phase of developing one’s permanent teeth, it is utmost necessary to take care of oral hygiene as it affects in the long run. Only a pediatric dentist could detect any problems or complications in the oral health.
. What if an infant has a white tongue? Is it a thing to worry?
No. Most of the infants have white tongue – a milky coating on their tongue which is quite normal and nothing to worry about. It goes off after a few weeks
Can we clean an infant's mouth or tongue with our hands?
It is absolutely ok and advisable to clean an i mouth, especially jaws and tongue. Mothers advised to use their fingers gently to clean their infant’s mouth.
Are milk teeth really important? How?
As most of us think milk teeth are not really important or take them for granted, it is wrong or a myth. Milk teeth play a vital role in a child’s oral care development from biting and chewing habits to speech patterns. They form the basis for jawbone and muscle development. They give the child’s mouth a shape and form.